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  1. ulrics

    The Story of O - A review of Orsogna

    Coming in somewhat late to this party (like a speeding glacier might, no doubt!), as I confess I don't spend time on GS. Don't get me wrong, I like it and appreciate it being here, just like I can't afford the time and expense of being a regular at any pub, however I am very grateful to all the...
  2. ulrics

    ASL Bell Tolls

    Thanks Dave for sharing that excellent photo. I don't think Joe and I ever played a game, but I remember his voice and character as being warmly direct and open-hearted, he was a delight to chat with. RIP my good man and I hope the gaming is still good on the other side. Condolences to the...
  3. ulrics

    ASL with AI?

    Fascinating and brilliant, well done Sam! Certainly is captivating to run through the possible outcomes a few times. Yes the Americans tend to win, even though in my runs the 9-2 died every other time. Q: if this was expanded to run a large scenario with hundreds of counters for each side...