Search results

  1. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    Carl, I have the first 3 done for VASL, I will email them to you. I will post the whole pack on as soon as I have finished all of the scenarios.
  2. ireland94

    VASL Overlay Rv1 vertical orientation?

    zgross, When you flip board 04 land place it above board 16 (VASL of course), the board 04 hex row F lays above board 15 hex row BB and board 04 hex row E lays about board 16 hex row cc. This is the reference I was going by...
  3. ireland94

    VASL Overlay Rv1 vertical orientation?

    zgrose, I am moving to the VASL forum that Brian W and Jazz pointed out is more appropriate for this question. Pat
  4. ireland94

    VASL Overlay Rv1 vertical orientation?

    Brian W and Jazz, Found it, no need for your replay but thanks for the heads up. Pat
  5. ireland94

    VASL Overlay Rv1 vertical orientation?

    `Brian W and Jazz, Thank you for identifying the folder I should have posted my inquiry. However, I did search for the VASL but did not correctly identify the path. Would you be so kind as to list the path so I might not post here again. TIA, Pat
  6. ireland94

    VASL Overlay Rv1 vertical orientation?

    I am trying to do a vertical orientation of overlay Rv1 with VASL. My VASL map setup is row 1 - Board 04 flipped, row 2 - Board 16 not flipped I want the overlay to appear vertical such that Board 04 covers hex row e and hex row f, continuing down Board 16 hex row cc and hex row bb but I keep...
  7. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    I was excited to get the pack as this was my dad's unit during WWII. I am building setup files for all the scenarios.
  8. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    I have tested the extension developed by zgrose and he has done a fine job. Note that to get the HSs, you must use the appropriate squad and casualty reduce it. zgrose was kind enough to point this out to me.
  9. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    zgrose, Issues found 1) American 668 AE should have back side morale is 8 not 7 2) Missing American 348 AE (FYI back side morale is 7) 3) Missing American 348 NOT AE (FYI back side morale is 7) 4) Missing American 248 (FYI half squad back side morale is 7) Everything else checks out
  10. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    Thanks for your efforts
  11. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    Single bucket works for me.
  12. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    In many ways I agree with von Marwitz that the red arrow head is superfluous, however, VASL 6.4.1 already has American Marines, German, and Russian counters with unit symbols. There are many examples of third party products that have additional counters. For example., Bounding Fire...
  13. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    I have built a DropBox folder "Gamesquad - Pat Ireland" and shared it with I scanned the sheet front and back at 200 DPI as BMP files. I have permission from George Kelin from Lone Canuck to make copies of the counters for VASL. If you want I will forward the email from...
  14. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    I have obtained permission from George to scan the art work of the counters. I have scanned counters for another purpose. I normally scan them as a BMP with 1200 pixels per inch. What format and resolution do you want?
  15. ireland94

    Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack VASL

    I have just received my Lone Canuck Anzio 1944 Pack the covers the exploits of the First Special Service Force, FSSF (aka Devil's Brigade). However, several new counters have been introduced with the pack. Is someone working on a VASL extension to support these new counters?
  16. ireland94

    send me an email at

    send me an email at
  17. ireland94

    ASLSK#1 Opponents in South Jersey

    Norlin, If you indeed are a SK player and are looking for training, I am happy to oblige. I have been mentoring/training new players for many years. I do not charge rather I am spreading the word of ASL. Do a search on my name (ireland94) here or at BGG. Drop me an email at...
  18. ireland94

    If you are looking for a teacher for ASL

    If you are a new player or a player with long unused neurons, i mentor/teach ASL using the Starter Kit sequence. Contract me via email at I will need your first and last name (makes Microsoft Outlook happier) and your time zone. I live in Dallas, Texas, USA and my...
  19. ireland94

    ASLSK Instructon over VASSAL?

    Hi MobHit, The Game Squad site was down so long that I did not get a notification of you. Yes indeed I mentor new players using the SK system. I will be more than happy to assist you. I always (well, mostly always) use the VASL room "Starter Kit Training" I am there every day of the week...
  20. ireland94

    Identification of Pajis Counters when setting them up HIP

    Identification of Panjis Counters when setting them up HIP I suspect there is a solution for this problem, but the search capabilities of the GameSquad site leave much to be desired. G9.1-2 suggests that HIP Panji Counters should be identified A, B, etc. so that a separate "delayed" note can...