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  1. klsmith

    ICYMI. Ken Smith Historical Art half-off Thanksgiving sale through Monday evening,

    Hi everyone, The annual Ken Smith Historical Art Thanksgiving Sale is on: All Prints Half-Price through Monday evening December 2. This includes the newly released Motherland Calls: The Fight for Red October. Stalingrad 1942 At checkout, use the...
  2. klsmith

    2018 Ken Smith Fine Art Thanksgiving Sale

    Hi everyone, In case you haven’t already received my spam elsewhere, just a reminder: Ken Smith Fine Art Thanksgiving Sale -- All Prints Half Price through tomorrow (Monday 11/22) evening. The sale is on my website: At checkout, use the code...
  3. klsmith

    Ken Smith Historical Art Thanksgiving Sale

    QUICK REMINDER: Half-price sale ends this evening (Mon, 11/27) at midnight. Thanks! Ken
  4. klsmith

    Ken Smith Historical Art Thanksgiving Sale

    Hi all, Just wanted to remind everyone that I’ll be having the annual Thanksgiving Sale on limited edition prints at starting at 8AM on Thanksgiving Day through midnight the following Monday, Nov 27. The sale features the new Korean War print, “Frozen,” depicting...
  5. klsmith

    What did you watch this weekend?

    Not on TV, but I rented a Russian language TV series (on DVD, subtitled, on Netflix), called The Cadets. It's sort of a Band of Brothers, Soviet Style about a group of young artillery officer candidates, going through "OCS" together (they hear reports from Stalingrad, so it must be late 42)...
  6. klsmith

    What boardgames have you played recently?

    I played Wings of War (for the first time) last evening with my S.O. It was great. She liked liked; I liked it. The minis were pretty. She shot down the Red Baron on the first shot of the game, so I played 1 against 2 for the next 3 hours (of what should probably be a 20 minute game). Nice...
  7. klsmith

    OARS Update

    It's mighty nice of you to take care of all this stuff for nothing (and thanks!)
  8. klsmith

    Highlighting question

    I didn't highlight any of the rules in mine, but I did go through and highlight in yellow the main section headers (8. DEFENSIVE FIRE PRINCIPLES), and I highlighted in green everything in the next tier (8.1 FIRST FIRE, 8.2 RESIDUAL FIREPOWER, 8.3 SUBSEQUENT FIRST FIRE). It helps when you're...
  9. klsmith

    for fun When do you think AoO will be printed

    anonymous guest was me. don't know where the auto login went Ken
  10. klsmith

    ASL Starter Kit Shipping Info

    Henrik, I haven't got mine either, and I'm in Tennessee
  11. klsmith

    ASL Starter Kit Shipping Info

    Don't know how many they've sent, but I pre-ordered pretty early, and I'm in Tennessee and haven't got mine yet either.
  12. klsmith

    range on an afv MG?

    Where in the rules does it tell what the range is for an AFV MG? I seem to remember that it's 15, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. And can AFVs fire MGs long range? TIA Ken
  13. klsmith

    Viet Nam ASL

    Hey Don, If this is a poll, put me down for "definitely would buy." Other than the allocation of resources issue, I see no down side to having other conflicts depicted using ASL rules; that's just one less new thing to learn. Whether the scale and so forth would work, I have no idea. So far as...
  14. klsmith

    Best & Worst Second World War Movies ever made?

    Patton? I loved Patton; I've lost track of how many times I watched it. And George C Scott was great (he won Best Actor for it, after all)
  15. klsmith

    for fun When do you think AoO will be printed

    There's still the Finnish module to look forward to (and agitate about) Ken
  16. klsmith


    Has anyone done a VASL version of the starter kit boards? I'd love to be able to send one to my son in college and play some pbem games. thanks Ken
  17. klsmith

    urban terrain / rural terrain

    Apparently, I'm in the minority, but I much prefer rural or small village scenarios. The idea of spending a whole game slugging over a line two hexes deep just doesn't seem that appealing. The boards in the new Wiltz scenario were very nice. Ken
  18. klsmith

    a little Red Barricades Campaign game question

    I'm playing my first RB CG and we just finished the first scenario, and I'm having a hard time understanding the concepts in "O11.6051 No Man's Land". It says that hexes outside both perimeters are No Man's Land (clear enough - although I don't know what effect "No Man's Land" has). Then it...
  19. klsmith

    other VASSAL modules

    I can't seem to get the module navigation button to work for me on the site. Is it just me and my computer, or have any of the rest of you had a problem with it? thanks Ken
  20. klsmith

    VASL 4.1 download questions

    In case anyone is interested, I got the new VASL to work (apparently). That's on a Mac OSX Rodney told be to launch web start and delete the applications (vasl and vassal) and re-download. I created new folders for each and did the "launch vasl" thing on the web site and downloaded them into...