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  1. Marshal Lannes

    Laughter Zone

    " Oh Yes !.................... I used to be an actor in my youth.................. I started out in action, Tarzan films and eventually branched out into comedy............I have several Golden bananas to my name 🍌. 🍌.................................I am retired now........... and I mostly sit...
  2. Marshal Lannes

    Max Payne 3

    Max Payne Remake Release expected late 2025 or early 2026............ :D , core elements will be kept. :) Soundtrack kept and only issue is with the fire was easier to see in a cartoon like colour palette background but with extreme light and shadow...
  3. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Waterloo Update

    Available NOW !.............................Wash your dolomites with caustic soda.............a jam packed package..............and what raised my attention ; is the inclusion of 5 battles of the Jacobite rising '45 with an option for southward invasion scenario..................Niiice...
  4. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Waterloo Update

    Available as of today - New ( optional ) ability to move forward and push back skirmishers ; adjustment to cavalry force/power and further battle A.I. tweaks. :) .
  5. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Eckmuhl 1809

    Death Ride Salerno - 16th Panzer Division. Here we have the 2nd Panzer Regt. ( 29 units including the HQ ).. The Germans seem to be in platoons and the Americans in companies/platoons. Map hexes are 330 metres across and are slightly larger than the Napoleonic games. The top of the counters...
  6. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Waterloo Update

    Wargame Design Studio has announced a new game and series today ( in development ) , based on the Medieval Crusades. This means that the Spanish Reconquista should be on the cards...........the only response I can give is: " For God , .............the Cid and Spain,...............Spaaaain ...
  7. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign for North Africa Slurp-fest !

    Battle of the Bulge - Situation at end of Game Turn 7 - 16th December - German ( Human player ) vs ( Allied A.I. ) - No advantage slider...... Can you do better ? .
  8. Marshal Lannes

    No Time to Die - Mr Bond !

    Why don't they make films like this anymore ?.....even the most loathsome curmudgeon of the human species cannot but be swayed by the Christmas cheer it exudes through every available pore........Thank you very much !..............:)...👍...:).
  9. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Eckmuhl 1809

    Death Ride Salerno - 16th Panzer- As the base game, you get a lot of card charts and tables incliding OOb's , Unit supply charts, Command and Control chart , Minefield entry and exit chart; Paradrop chart/scatter, six smaller set-up maps; Air support track, etc etc. Now for the meat on the...
  10. Marshal Lannes

    Heaven is coming to breakfast...........Grandpa !

    ❄ " Ahem ! - It is Christmassy ...........:)............❄ .
  11. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign for North Africa Slurp-fest !

    Early this morning, 16th December, 80 years ago; the last desperate offensive of the Wehrmacht was launched against a thin and surprised American defence in Belgium.............................the " Wacht am Rhein ". Lots of fun was had as a teen with the original SPI Version, ( perhaps not so...
  12. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Waterloo Update

    As it's not snowing ❄ where I am; I had to buy 1397 tubes of toothpaste to get the desired effect. No worries; I will get my money back and then some by entering it for the Turner Art Prize 2025. My hopes are high, as it has no artistic merit whatsoever, beyond the innovation of using...
  13. Marshal Lannes

    Heaven is coming to breakfast...........Grandpa !

  14. Marshal Lannes

    Heaven is coming to breakfast...........Grandpa !

    Just been watching the opening ( live ) ceremony of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris .............very nice. It cost a billion dollars from donations all over the world......they also managed to restore stuff that was not burnt and needed a touch up. That sure is a high ceiling. Unky...
  15. Marshal Lannes

    Now we're taaaaaalking !.......

    There is already an early access walkthrough video, which has garnered over 360,000 views in less than 23 hours. For non spoiler purposes , you can view it or not. This is a non spoiler limited preview.... From a couple of minutes viewing of the walkthrough video, the foliage and lighting and...
  16. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Eckmuhl 1809

    Rant of the Day ! ...... So ; I received a couple of wargame magazines yesterday; extremely cheap. I won't say which ones......just that they are from the 1980's. I already have one beaten up copy. Lo and behold ! , they came in separate plastic I start to peruse them and what...
  17. Marshal Lannes

    Space News - Exploration!&&p=2ec9e87b9abf02131bee11afcfdd8a960bf55077b18f898e728a1ec3babec09fJmltdHM9MTczMTM2OTYwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=3576f4e0-01e4-6ebf-048b-e66b00dc6f29&psq=water+on+5+of+uranus+moons&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmJjLmNvLnVrL25ld3MvYXJ0aWNsZXMvY2drMTMzM2sweXBv&ntb=1 What a...
  18. Marshal Lannes

    Heaven is coming to breakfast...........Grandpa !

    It's almost as if they are heralding something important that has happened recently............................the silence is broken...🐰. Happy bunny-times !......
  19. Marshal Lannes

    Campaign Eckmuhl 1809

    First combat/engagement of the humungous company/squadron level Waterloo Campaign 1815. ( 15th June - Frasnes scenario ). Game Turn 1 .6.00pm The 1st Squadron of the Garde Lanciers debouch from an orchard on the east side of the buildings of Frasnes. They form up quickly into line and advance...
  20. Marshal Lannes

    Heaven is coming to breakfast...........Grandpa !

    🎻Aaaaah !......................God's music. 🎼.......................European culture. 💑 can't beat it. I have a violin 🎻but no knowledge's on my bucket ⏳ list.............🙂 .