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  1. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge Campaign Game: Recalled AFV counted as CVP?

    I'm School of thought #1. I'm not seeing a conflict between the CG rules and the ASLRB By the CG rule, the Recalled AFV is eliminated. By the ASLRB, eliminated units (including units leaving the map) count as CVP lost, with the EXC that Recalled units don't count as CVP. I'd also consider it...
  2. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge Campaign Game: Recalled AFV counted as CVP?

    Hi In the Pegasus Bridge Campaign Game, Q9.162 says "If the Casualty Victory Points (CVP) lost by the German player for the prior CG scenario (only) are >=two times and >= 8 more then, the CVP lost by the British player...." The German player has an AFV Recalled due to a Disabled MA. It leaves...
  3. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge - 2 questions

    This is not correct. Building control is seperate to Location or Hex control. It is possible to control a Building but not have control of all Locations in that building. See the EX on page A57. In this specific case, the Germans controlled all Strategic Locations when the scenario began When...
  4. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge - 2 questions

    Modification of original question British and German control of Strategic Locatiuons is shown. There is no German unit in Z15 Level 1. There are British units in all their strategic locations. For this example, treat the buildings in DD11, U12, V12 and W12 as Open ground. *In Re Ph step...
  5. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge - 2 questions

    Germans control all Strategic Locations at start. Unless the British enter Level 1 with a GO MMC or Mop up the building, the Germans will still control the Level 1 Loation.
  6. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge - 2 questions

    Thanks. Can't believe I missed Q5.4 Cheers Jon
  7. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge - 2 questions

    Hi Question 1: What is the MF cost for the 458 squad to enter Z14? 3 MF (1 for orchard and 2 for building) as per A2.4? Or is it still just 2 MF? Question 2: See the image below. The scenario has ended and set up areas are being determined as per Q9.605 The British control all building...
  8. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge CG Special rule CG4

    Hi In the Pegasus Bridge Night scenarios , instead of E1.21, a german unit gains Freedom of Movement "only if attacked by other than a Sniper dr or if it has both seen a KEU and an enemy unit moves/advances/routs within three hexes of it. In the above bold font, does it matter what order this...
  9. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge CG1 and CG Special Rule12 Panzerfausts

    Hi In PB CG1, the German has 3 distinct Setup areas for the Night I scenario of the CG Le Port - 12 squads Benouville - 9 squads Bridge garrison - 5 squads By CG4a errata, the Germans treat these three areas seperately for purposes of E1.2 and A2.9 (HIP and "?" counters at night and...
  10. Jon

    E1.91 Initial Starshell use?

    Hi A question concerning Initila Starshell placement in Night scenarios. Relevent rules (with my emphasis in bold): E1.91 Initial Use: No Starshells/IR may be fired in a scenario until of theses events has ocurred ( I will leave out the first buullet point as neither side has onboard vehicles)...
  11. Jon

    Primosole Bridge Gliders - KEUs?

    Hi Robin I'm not disagreeing with you, I don't think a landed glider is a unit either
  12. Jon

    Primosole Bridge Gliders - KEUs?

    So you are saying that apart from the abilty of an enemy unit to fire at it in their DFPh (as if it were a stopped truck [E8.3], the landed glider is not considered a unit, even if it has contents held off board in the cloaking box?
  13. Jon

    Primosole Bridge Gliders - KEUs?

    True for Infantry and their SW but not for vehicles/Guns (and their PRC/manning Infantry) - E8.4 It would seem vehicles/Guns/PRC are not placed on board until a subsequent Friendly MPh when they can attempt to unload as per US Vehicle Note 51 (the LVT4)
  14. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge Campaign Game Setup question on SSR I-2

    Thanks for the replies The PanzerPionier Kompanie 2 that setup within 4 hexes of M12 have to setup in building Locations so no problem there. The issue is with PanzerPionier Kompanie 1 that start in Le Port. Their setup instructions read "set up in/Adjacent to building Locations within 4 hexes...
  15. Jon

    Primosole Bridge Gliders - KEUs?

    Hi In Primosole Bridge CG 1, the Britsih have Gliders landing that contain a jeep, AT gun and grew as per US Vehicle Note 51 [E8.1]. Questions in bold font. The Glinder lands safely and is flipped to its landed (green) side. It is within the NVR of an Italian unit Is the landed (Green) Glider...
  16. Jon

    Pegasus Bridge Campaign Game Setup question on SSR I-2

    Hi SSR I-2 reads "All German Infantry units must set up in building/Gun/Fortification Locations with <=1MMC per Location" Does this SSR apply to ALL German forces at the start of GC I or only to those units of Grenadier Regiment 716 that setup within 4 hexes of Y19? Thanks in advance Cheers Jon
  17. Jon

    E7.22 Aerial Combat & Dogfighting Resolution

    As a follow on, suppose there are two planes per side, Ameriacn A & B and German Y & Z. American is the ATTACKER. American places plane A on Plane Y and Plane B on plane Z to create two seperate Dogfights. German wants to have both his planes Y & Z go into combat against a single American plane...
  18. Jon

    E7.22 Aerial Combat & Dogfighting Resolution

    Hi My regular opponent and I are trying to wrap our heads around the mechanism and order of resoilving dogfights. Relevent rules are ASOP "8.41B Declare and resolve (sequentially; ATTACKER first) all Aerial Combat (E7.22-.226). E7.22: "To enter Aerial Combat, a player places his FB on top of...
  19. Jon

    Primosole Bridge CG Recon Inspection Question

    Hi all Primosole Bridge Rule 3.6223 for "Recon Inspection" reads: "Each hidden unit/Equipment in a reconned Location is placed on-map concealed, and all hidden Fortifications in the Location are revealed. All concealed (including Cloaked/reserve units/Equipment therein then lose their "?"...
  20. Jon

    AT Mines on Paved road at Night

    Mines are a Fortification as per Index definition. B28.53 allows AT Mines to be placed ona bridge or paved road but they must bhe in full view (presence marked by an A-T mine counter) E1.16 says "All Fortification counters are set up hidden at night regardless of terrain and remain hidden...