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  1. BHBillett

    AROUND Stalingrad

    Thank you. I think I have that one. MANY moons ago. It will be perfect, I don't remember a thing about it other than the name.
  2. BHBillett

    Bangalore Torpedo.

    Rockets and nitroglycerine? Let me guess, just to add a bit of excitement, the rocket fuel was Hydrazine and peroxide?
  3. BHBillett

    AROUND Stalingrad

    Hopefully this is the right place for this. I am looking for some scenarios that take place around Stalingrad, I have found most everything is for IN Stalingrad yet I have seen many pictures of the fighting outside the city proper. While I am certain a lot of the existing stuff could be simply...
  4. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    OH THANK YOU!!! That makes sense! For what ever reason my mind plugged in the "more" into that sentence!
  5. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    I am buying into this argument. However I do NOT feel the rule is clear by any means. The () are setting aside the comment within and it clearly says OR not AND. To me this would indicate that if it becomes more vulnerable for some reason it is attacked. Or if it changes it's position that...
  6. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    Not REALLY struggling with the basics. Been at this since way before ASL even existed. Issue is a minor tussle over what the rules actually say. However I have had an opponent that is also well learned but disagreed with my thoughts. And rather than degrade into a 3-4 hour dissertation I tend to...
  7. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    So lets say your in a foxhole. You want to move OUT of the FFE. You assault to the next hex. One must assume you need to get OUT of the foxhole, cross open ground (not true of a trench) into a non FFE hex. Does one take a hit for doing this? You have changed position in the FFE hex, become more...
  8. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    Now I see. Thank you for putting up with me on this while I try to wrap what little of my gray matter that remains around it. b
  9. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    From an above comment "It also attacks each unit/stack that is changing position (or becoming vulnerable) within a Blast Area hex " What I am hearing is that changing position means nothing. Only the vulnerable part?
  10. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    This would also bring to point, if you are in an FFE outside milling around minding your own business and decide this is a bad thing so you assault INTO a stone building. You have changed your position AND become less vulnerable Wouldn't this nullify an OBA attack on the unit? And yes I greatly...
  11. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    Two things about this answer. 1) usually, and 2) the rule says nothing about location only position. Are the terms the same or interchangeable? As in your example. Moving out of a foxhole is not a change in location however it is a change in position. Therefore moving INTO the foxhole is also a...
  12. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    True, And that would fulfill to (OR) part, However that would still leave the changing position question open, yet another example might be changing the CA of a support weapon? If a gun/MG has a CA and changes it's CA that would be changing it's position? Perhaps not making it more vulnerable...
  13. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    Correct me where I am wrong, but isn't movement of any sort, up/down/sidewise changing position? OR becoming more vulnerable? It does say OR not AND. Not sure how one could become more vulnerable without changing position? But that is a thought for another day I suspect. After all, if one moves...
  14. BHBillett

    Vehicles and trenches

    A vehicle starts in a trench hex. Does it matter which "side" of the trench it is on? It can't be "in" the trench so if it exits the hex the way it came in, either in reverse or by turning does it take a bog check. It looks like it need only take the check as it enters the hex. however if it...
  15. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    Changing position? Would turning, Turning TCA?, VCA? qualify? If one need to spend MF to change elevation, or go over a wall? If yes to any of these, would it be an attack for each MF expended? Such as turning VCA 2 hex sides? or turning VCA one hex side Firing, turning another hex side, firing...
  16. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    Well yes that is SORT of a silly comment, However, I have seen a FEW stairs in cities, Europe in particular, for that matter in movies, that a vehicle could go down stairs and one would assume up them as well. Large stone structures, great wide sweeping affairs. Haven't seen any on any boards...
  17. BHBillett

    OBA movement

    A tank in a hex stopped. An FFE lands on the unit. During it's movement it expense a start movement point to move out of the hex. Does it get hit by the FFE before It can move out of the hex? Thank you
  18. BHBillett

    sighting TC

    Thanks guys. Just what I thought but wanted to check.
  19. BHBillett

    sighting TC

    An observation plane can "see" an unmanned mortar in a trench. The rules E7.25, say an observation plane can sight an empty hex. As the plane can "see" the mortar does the plane need to draw an extra chit to correct it's artillery? It can also see a 9-2 in an adjacent hex but the sighting...
  20. BHBillett

    AFV/Wrecks as cover

    Thats crazy! I think I would have taken the leader counter (real one) and burned it in front of all the other counters to teach them a lesson. Hard to burn electrons though