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  1. Toby Pilling

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    Silly rules that exist in the game can mostly be exploited by the more skilful players, who recognise when to use them to their advantage. Better Rules can therefore defend weaker tournament players from such sleaze. In a competitive game between two good players, Better Rules also protects...
  2. Toby Pilling

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    The term 'Grudge rules' is an interesting one, isn't it? It's rather pejorative in itself and helps frame the debate in a way that puts their advocate on the defensive. Agreeing as I do with all the amendments I've seen laid out in this thread on the Arnhem tournament, I think I'd prefer an...
  3. Toby Pilling

    Desperation Morale updated!

    Great to see the updates! Particularly pleased to finally read your thoughts on my Manual in LFT 11, and I thought your musings on whether the best players write the best articles was very interesting. The feedback I have received on what I wrote though has all been positive, I'm pleased to say...
  4. Toby Pilling

    #105: Steamroller redux

    I thought Martin was producing plenty of smoke - of the burning vehicle variety.
  5. Toby Pilling

    #105: Steamroller redux

    Yes, I liked Doug's defence but saw little point replicating it, so thought I'd try crafting something different. Dave did sterling work in my proxy war with Jim, even destroying the Tiger in a terrain blaze - all part of the p!an (see appendix C, subsection 4 of my preparatory notes). Toby
  6. Toby Pilling

    Decision at Elst CG full with ASL rules.

    I did check, and I'm told it's set to appear in a future journal.
  7. Toby Pilling


    It's in this issue, Jim - LFT16. Hence me posting in this thread!
  8. Toby Pilling

    'Devils in the Woods' 20 years on

    Yes, constant re-issues and re-badging is another criticism of Critical Hit - a practice I've been stung by in the past.
  9. Toby Pilling

    'Devils in the Woods' 20 years on

    Many years ago I won at a tournament a copy of 'Devils in the Woods', a Battle of the Bulge HASL product from Critical Hit. I know that company doesn't have a very good reputation these days, but back then they had been publishing Ian Daglish's excellent All-American trilogy, and this product...
  10. Toby Pilling

    ABTF HASL - Why do you hate it? Why don't you hate it?

    I think Melvin's idea about forcing the German player to effectively re-create 'Graebner's Folly' is sensible. Not doing so is so utterly un-historical that you might as well allow XXX Corp to turn up on a lucky die roll, or other Airborne battalions to push through to the bridge.
  11. Toby Pilling


    I'm looking forward to seeing my article on defending in scenarios featuring the Japanese or PTO in print. I started it ages ago and it was meant to be part of 'The Manual', but I didn't have time to finish it. I hope players find it useful.
  12. Toby Pilling

    Decision at Elst CG full with ASL rules.

    I spent some time converting all the scenarios to ASL, then play testing them, before submitting them to MMP with some explanatory notes. I'd contacted them in advance with the proposal and they agreed they were interested. I recall Klas M being contacted to work on writing up the polder rules...
  13. Toby Pilling

    ECZ15 The Best Defence

    I played a final playtest version of this at the Bounding Fire tournament in Blackpool in November against Andy Bagley. He defended as the Americans and split up his trenches across the board, which was interesting as it forced me to attack on a broad front while massing troops for the other VC...
  14. Toby Pilling

    Do you kindle a bunch?

    I never kindle now. In the past, I've maybe done it once or twice. I find that the older I get, the less sleaze appeals. It should be moved to chapter E and only allowed by SSR, but that will never happen.
  15. Toby Pilling

    Albany Tournament December 1st-4th All TD Communications Here

    Bo and Michael are indeed masters of our art. I would describe Michael's play style as calm and unflabbable, easy-going and good-natured... as well as being implacable and utterly relentless. A potent combination!
  16. Toby Pilling

    Bounding Fire Blackpool - 2022 (copy of my circular email I've just sent out)

    I had great fun again at the tournament. Most of my competative games were a challenge and my bout with Dave was particularly memorable coming down to the last dice roll. It was a shame Jim and I couldn't battle it out fully, but hopefully we can play in some alternative forum. At least I was...
  17. Toby Pilling


    One difficulty with the bidding system you use may be getting an accurate assessment of balance via the ROAR database. There is an almighty swing of balance between a maximum and minimum bid and they may be hard to differentiate between. Interesting idea, though.
  18. Toby Pilling

    #69: An Interview with Chuck Hammond (half of HazMo)

    Great interview with Chuck, who I remember meeting at a US tournament - Albany, I think. I look forward to playing my first Hazmo scenario this week at Double One!
  19. Toby Pilling

    #63: Toby Pilling Interview

    Does this mean I'm officially more disorganised than you now, Bob? Hmm...I'm not sure how that makes me feel. Anyway, I understand you know this new, up and coming player on the US scene - Sidneb Trebor. Encourage him to haul his ass over the Atlantic some time and we can test his mettle!
  20. Toby Pilling

    LFT From the Cellar 11 - What's in the Box

    I'm glad you found the strategy guide useful! Oh, and my surname is pronounced Pilling as in 'red-pilling' (or top billing):)