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  1. ASL Maineiac

    Rat Pocket Charts v3

    So we don't know what the differences are between v2 and v3 yet? I have the opportunity to buy a v2 for $24 shipped and wondering if I should pull the trigger. I was about to before seeing that X posted this yesterday!
  2. ASL Maineiac

    Brevity Assault pack available for pre-orders!

    Your website isn't working for me....
  3. ASL Maineiac

    Black Friday Sale

    Thanks, Chas. Picked up Crucible of Steel (for some reason never picked it up when it came out) and Objective Schmidt! Did it in two separate transactions, though, so hopefully you guys will figure it out and ship them together!
  4. ASL Maineiac

    New GS Forum Announcements - Conversation

    Robin reached out to me to apologize for the miscommunication. I did misinterpret his post. He wasn’t saying Americans are cool with racism, only that our freedom of speech laws make it so that someone is free to espouse racist ideology without legal repercussions, which is not the case...
  5. ASL Maineiac

    New GS Forum Announcements - Conversation

    You basically said all Americans are cool with racism. Which is a dumb thing to say. Not surprised your post got put in jail.
  6. ASL Maineiac

    Black Friday Sale

    Question asked on Facebook about how long the sale will last. Per @samtyson OtO through the end of the year, the rest until Sunday.
  7. ASL Maineiac

    Strategic considerations for placing rubble..

    Rubble is rout and rally terrain in Hatten
  8. ASL Maineiac

    Strategic considerations for placing rubble..

    Ah yes. For sure. Thanks.
  9. ASL Maineiac

    Strategic considerations for placing rubble..

    Playing First Timers from Hatten. I'm the Germans and get to place rubble as part of my setup. I'm trying to grasp the best way to use them to improve my defense. There are two considerations I'm aware of, but I'm sure there are more and hoping people can chime in with how they'd think about...
  10. ASL Maineiac

    Concealed guys in bocage & wall advantage

    Thanks, JR. He’s had plenty of time to read up on the bocage rules. Going to see if I can capitalize on his mistake and crush him!
  11. ASL Maineiac

    Concealed guys in bocage & wall advantage

    Oh jeez. Got that wrong. Thanks. For some reason thought concealed units don’t carry WA counters. Ok, so follow up question about etiquette: If I’m playing someone who may not be the most experienced with bocage and how it impacts LOS, should I ask him if he wants his squads in buildings to...
  12. ASL Maineiac

    Concealed guys in bocage & wall advantage

    I'm setting up Second Crack at Caumont as the attacking Americans. The Germans all set up concealed. Question: There's no way I can know if the concealed units have WA, correct? Because WA status is claimed/rejected when the squads drop concealment... Do I have that right?
  13. ASL Maineiac

    Best Counter Clipper

    Did it destroy your counters just because you hadn't properly centered the counter before clipping? Or is there another fault with the regular pair?
  14. ASL Maineiac

    Best Counter Clipper

    Going to revive this thread to ask if people can comment on the differences between the two version of Oregon Laminations' 2mm counter clipper. The regular: And the deluxe...
  15. ASL Maineiac

    FTC 8

    Thank you, Andy!
  16. ASL Maineiac

    FTC 8

    Guys, I'm not an idiot. The product page is the first place I went. But there's no Table of Contents for the 56-page magazine. I saw a reference somewhere to an article about the Free French; I'm curious what other articles are included in the magazine. The product page only lists the included...
  17. ASL Maineiac

    FTC 8

    Is there a Table of Contents for the FTC 8 magazine posted online anywhere? I can't seem to find one.
  18. ASL Maineiac

    I dreamed of ASL last night... and Jack Black

    Lots of waking up last night with two sick kids... In one of the vivid dreams I was ripped away from, I woke up in bed after a heavy night of drinking and found myself lying next to Jack Black. He wanted to play ASL. I'm not making this up.
  19. ASL Maineiac

    Le Franc Tireur 14 : now available for order

    That’s a good idea. I’ll do that. My last order of ASL goodies came from Derek, so not sure why I didn’t think of that before...
  20. ASL Maineiac

    Le Franc Tireur 14 : now available for order

    Looks like Bounding Fire is sold out (temporarily). For a U.S. buyer, it makes sense to wait until they're back in stock rather than purchasing direct from LFT, correct?