Search results

  1. Doug Kirk


    My 2 cents. We have enough boards with streams/rivers. One maybe, but not two more boards with streams. More semi open boards with small rolling hills, think board 18 without the gully.
  2. Doug Kirk

    St Louis JULY 2024

    All games have been entered on ROAR. The only exceptions are scenarios not yet on ROAR, HazMo 40, RPT200 and DB185.
  3. Doug Kirk

    St Louis JULY 2024

    One minor correction. I was 3-2. I have all the results from the tourney and plan to enter the results on ROAR. Let me know if you have already entered them.
  4. Doug Kirk

    St Louis JULY 2024

    Lack of sleep leads to foggy ASL play for sure. Mike and I's round 5 game also saw a set up screw up by both of us. So tell us about the final. When I left Bob looked in trouble, how did he pull it out?
  5. Doug Kirk

    St Louis JULY 2024

    I just wanted to give everyone a heads up concerning the St Louis tourney. Jim Burris, our long running tourney director had a heart attack over the weekend. He is out of the hospital, at home, doing fine, on his way to a full recovery. The tourney is STILL a GO. Needless to say Jim will be...
  6. Doug Kirk

    Looking for early war scenarios

    And don't forget the other two Friendly Fire scenarios. Maczek Fire Brigade and The Abbeyville Bridgehead. All three are great fun.
  7. Doug Kirk

    St Louis JULY 2024

    Here is the St. Louis scenario list for 2024: Round 1 Friday DB181 Hot Tigers J240 Hurricane Biak J227 Another Frustrating Day HazMo40 A Bit of Colored Ribbon BoF13 Totensonntag (FrF45) Round 2 Friday Night FF10 Blackjack is Back! J239 Shoot or Shovel 304 The Rat House INOR10 Villy Muss...
  8. Doug Kirk

    Twilight of the Reich errata

    I guess I overlooked those in my storage box, went immediately to the new counter sheets. When I saw the I.D. letters of the 3 on the counter sheet of A, B, and C, I just assumed they were the first release.
  9. Doug Kirk

    Twilight of the Reich errata

    Scenario 295 Death Box has 4 Hungarian L3 tanks in it. The two counter sheets included in the box only include 3 Hungarian L3s. ????
  10. Doug Kirk

    Second HASL after RF, need some help.

    Another vote for Hatten.
  11. Doug Kirk

    St Louis JULY 2024

    Here is the link for St Louis 2024. Same as last year, game room will open at 9AM Friday morning. You are free to match up and play whoever you want in round 1 anytime after 9AM. All first round games must be started by noon on Friday. In all...
  12. Doug Kirk

    March Madness 2024

    I am sure it's July 27, it's always the last weekend in July. I am pushing Jim to get the website updated this weekend. He has been focused on other things know, real life.
  13. Doug Kirk

    March Madness 2024

    Thanks to the KC crew for another well run tournament. I hope to see much of the same crowd in St Louis in July.
  14. Doug Kirk

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    Anyone know a publish date estimate for this scenario pack?
  15. Doug Kirk

    How'd your 2023 Year in ASL go?

    Bad year for me in terms of games played and record. Only 22 games, vs 30-40 which is usual. And only went 8-14. Been working too much...will do better in 2024. My favorite scenarios were: J200 One Story Town J212 Shoulder to Shoulder J242 Courage of Cowan, probably my #1 for year J245...
  16. Doug Kirk

    St Louis ASL Tournament - July 28-30, 2023

    No. Jim may have forgotten or moved on. I haven't talked to him lately
  17. Doug Kirk


    Glad to hear ROAR has been updated. Hopeful it can be maintained. Personally I have no interest in the scenario archive, too much history on ROAR.
  18. Doug Kirk

    St Louis ASL Tournament - July 28-30, 2023

    Will do. At the moment Jim is having issues with the program he uses. Once he gets that straightened out, we can output the file.
  19. Doug Kirk

    St Louis ASL Tournament - July 28-30, 2023

    All games will be reported to ROAR in the near future.
  20. Doug Kirk

    Does ASL crop up in your dreams at all?

    It has caused me many sleepless nights due to not being able to quit rehashing and rethinking scenarios and mistakes. I just lay there and toss and turn unable to turn my mind off. But once asleep, no dreams about ASL.