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  1. C44

    T26 M31 Tank

    Indeed, I have the 1st edition, that schematic looks much better... thanks
  2. C44

    T26 M31 Tank

    Piggybacking on this thread for my benefit. I'm currently playing scenario J113, Maczek Fire Brigade on VASL and I'm curious if the chapter H vehicle notes diagram for the Vickers Edw(b) is correct as far as the TCA arcs are depicted? The port and starboard arcs shown in relation to the tank...
  3. C44

    ASL 46' any interest?

    Along the lines of Forgotten War, I'd like to see the early Arab/Israeli wars dealt with over a hypothetical Europe '46 offering.
  4. C44

    Vassal 3.7.0 Released

    Thanks Doug, I’ll follow up with him.
  5. C44

    Vassal 3.7.0 Released

    It’s just a player aid, not a necessity, just some chrome on the game to ease (when it works) your game flow.
  6. C44

    Vassal 3.7.0 Released

    3.7.0 and 6.6.6 work fine together, it's the vasl templates that are hit and miss. The Label Overlays do not seem to be capable of taking the template info. The template text is often (but not always) cut off and images, such as the Vehicle Notes seem to not load properly, with text partially...
  7. C44

    Vassal 3.7.0 Released

    I'm a bit of a luddite when it comes to VASL, so I apologize if what I'm asking is remedial. I'm getting back into VASL after a few years away and I've set up 3.7.0 VASSAL and 6.6.6 VASL but I'm having issues with VASL templates (1.11). Is there a combination that minimizes the buggy template...