Search results

  1. Victor

    AP189 Bona Fide Effort Map Boundary Question-SSR3

    Yeah, I suppose it is covering the fake out in one direction and the ole switcheroo to the other direction laterally. That said, I'm looking at the 7.5 turn timetable and the terrain and can't help but think hit beach without delay. Guess I should evaluate my likely source of EVP between the...
  2. Victor

    AP189 Bona Fide Effort Map Boundary Question-SSR3

    I took out the old ocean overlays for this scenario and placed them on board and noted it looks like the listed 1065-2053 boundary means only 5 water hexes are in play to hit the land. This seems to suggest that SSR 3 is meaningless beyond turn 1, assuming a roll on entry T1 is required. Only a...
  3. Victor

    Forgotten War Q & A.

    Thanks, so my read was that because it crosses adjacent across a cliff from 3 down to 2, then there is no continuous slope. Confirming what I thought!
  4. Victor

    Forgotten War Q & A.

    Question on Steep Hills: does their existence negate continuous slope? Playing AP190 We are Sparta and the question came up. Level three hills only are steep slope. Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere.
  5. Victor

    Hull down vs. mol attack?

    Thanks all!
  6. Victor

    Hull down vs. mol attack?

    Is mol subject to HD as small arms or is it NA? D4.2 lists direct or small arms/non ordnance fire as HD applying. The exception listed is DC with its placement.
  7. Victor

    What are your ASL scenario plans this week?

    Just finished AP93 Best Think Again, continuing Dinant CG, setting up Adolph's Amatuers and Out of Cowardice with the hopeful improved OB for the Hungry Hungarians.
  8. Victor

    J2 (ASL 160) Battlin' Buckeyes

    Is there a publication of any changes that were made to this scenario re-published in Rising Sun? I only have the Journal 1 version. More generally, since I don't re-buy modules I already have, is there a resource on the internet indicating how any re-published scenarios have been modified?
  9. Victor

    Bds 87 & 88?

    Bump. Really hoping to see this soon :)
  10. Victor

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Action Pack 17 and it's looking good. Now, if only I didn't need to spend 140 bucks just for KW Terrain rule W.3. LOL
  11. Victor

    River Crossing Article?

    Wasn't there a boat river crossing article published somewhat contemporary with Dinant CG/new French module? Where would that be found?
  12. Victor

    VASL Board 14a/b & 15a/b Availability / ETA?

    14a/b bump? Monday perhaps?
  13. Victor

    Schwerpunkt beyond #23?

    Very happy to hear that!
  14. Victor

    Schwerpunkt beyond #23?

    Did Schwerpunkt go away since issue #23? I cannot even find their website. I've been a bit out of the loop and wonder what is happening.
  15. Victor

    Anyone playing FTF yet?

    Yeah, I met two new people via Facebook recently, one in Vista and one in Encinitas. Prior to that, I was aware of 5 other players and myself in greater SD. Dave Perham is on VASL a fair amount. Ish Molnar was active with the CG play that Jim had least he used to be.
  16. Victor

    Anyone playing FTF yet?

    Yes, but the activity in SD had been low enough (pre-covid) that SD was taken out of Jim's normal rotation from what I understand. I'm not aware that there was any regular play closer than Long Beach. I have not caught up with activity post-covid. I believe we have at least about 7 or 8 locals...
  17. Victor

    Anyone playing FTF yet?

    Anyone resume FTF in San Diego yet?
  18. Victor

    Looking for VASL game - Houston, TX based

    Dan, Former Houstonian here relocated to San Diego in 2008. I have space for PBEM if that is your preference. if you are interested. Victor
  19. Victor

    Fate of surviving prisoner in eliminated halftrack

    So here are the facts: A halftrack is carrying a squad with a HS prisoner and the HT is eliminated. Crew survival rolls as follows, HT crew survives, prisoner survives (assuming correct they get their own roll which was successful), and the captor squad dies. Does the crew get to take possession...
  20. Victor

    How to Sell Rising Sun

    I have a copy of Rising Sun in shrink I paid @250 for that I need to unload for financial reasons and would like to just break even. What is the best way to go about this? Last time I used ebay there were a ton of b.s. hidden fees I didn't know of and I ended up selling an item at a net loss...