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  1. J

    Two "Veteran" Questions

    I have played Pz Campaigns since the first one (Smolensk? or Bulge? cant remember which) came out. With Kiev '43 I am getting back after a few years off. Two questions. First - I am an old (beginning 1961 board gamer) and back in the day I spent years calculating in my head the movement...
  2. J

    My Greatest Wish

    I have played the Tiller - based games since way back in the Talonsoft Battleground days (mid 1990's). I have quite a few of the games, play for a few months, leave for something else, then regularly come back again. Now that I am back for a while (playing Eylau this time), let me say that I...
  3. J

    "Clouds of Skirmishers"

    Sorry for the delayed response. Thanks a lot Sgt. Rock. I was aware of #2 and viewed that as a fairly valuable attribute but you have raised a number of considerations that have never been in the forefront of my game play. I very much appreciate your detailed response. In general though, it...
  4. J

    "Clouds of Skirmishers"

    I have played the Tiller Napoleonic Campaigns and their forerunners since "forever" - going back to Talonsoft's "Battleground" series in the mid 1990's and the old granddaddy of them all Simulations Publication's "Wellington Victory" (board game) in the early 1980's. I love these games but it...