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  1. O

    I have *SEEN* the light!

    Well I must admit I am a bit jealous of the response that Mantis has gotten given this revelation as I have stated this quite some time ago only to be told (rather patronizingly) that the reason for the lopsided Axis victory results was due to my constant partner and not the game. Much to the...
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    Do not wait. Assuming a "normal" war (France out; Italy In; England In; US in or coming in) it is best to get at the Russians as soon as possible. This is particularily true if the US is not in yet. You will get that auto -20. This gives you as much time as possible to gring Russia down...
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    Strategic Effects and Uncertainty in EA

    Everyone's comments are very interesting. IMHO I think some of the most interesting comments and those that address adding uncertainty and improving startegic decision making while not going too far afield are: "Work on Jets" pre-war option. I am a very big fan of pre-war decisions...
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    Strategic Effects and Uncertainty in EA

    I am starting a new thread regarding some interesting comments made on the "Rail Capacity & Sea Transport..." post. Madtrapper mentioned the effect hindsight has on our play (making us better generals than we really are) and the desire for more uncertainity regarding the effects of...
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    Rail Capacity & Sea Transport's Affect on Game Balance

    I was reading "Army at Dawn" (very good book regarding America's entry onto the Western Front in the Tunisian Campaign) and it mentioned that the German's had the ability to shift 7 divisions from the Eastern Front to Northern France/Low Countries in 2 weeks. This made me think about Mantis'...
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    France has extended the Maginot Line... so now what?

    The extension of the Maginot Line does not mean all that much. It certainly doesn't mean you MUST take the EC TO to have a chance. In 1939 you can do the following: Knock out Poland and Yugo - which is inevitable and very easy. Take out the Low Countries - moving up to the extended...
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    The newest version...

    Fairs and I have started. I (Axis) took pre-war builds and carriers (did not realize they were 15 now - wouldn't have done it for 15 Oh Well). We are on turn 6. Just knocked Poland out taking Warsaw on turn 5. No news of LL so I am hoping I got lucky and the DoW on Poland did not trigger 20...
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    Let's suck it and see: 1.8 (g)

    Ben - I am not knocking your or anyone's use of paratroopers and you are right they are and should be valuable. Just stating that if not restricted by various houserules, the ones I suggested or someone else's, they can be used in a way that makes them much more effective then they could ever...
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    Let's suck it and see: 1.8 (g)

    Paratroopers in this game are ludicrouisly devasting and can be used in almost comical (certainly ahistorical) ways. I can go on and on about the overly effective use Fairs & I have implemented with them. They can easily acheive the results that SkyVon states. Not to get side tracked from...
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    Allied Pre-War Builds

    How does giving the Allies a hypothetical pre-war build (tanks & planes) defeat the purpose of this scenario when the Axis already have this type of option? Are you talking about game balance?
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    Allied Pre-War Builds

    Re: Re: Allied Pre-War Builds
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    Allied Pre-War Builds

    Would it be possible (from an event standpoint) to give the Allies an option for pre-war builds if the Axis choose the option on turn 1. In turn, if the Allies choose it the US Entry goes down by 20 points (or some other amount). They would get more units but, reduse teh eventual US Entry...
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    Ah HAH!! How's this for an idea?

    Looking forward to your post. Until then I need to gnash just a little more. Leningrad was as good as captured in 41 and America did not come into the war nor do I think it showed much interest. The +25 in this game basically ensures that the US will come in (unless it is an EC game)...
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    Boring Tech Question - Need Help

    Thanks for the help guys. This turned out to be rather (very) easy to fix. Something must have messed up my CD-Rom & DVD drivers when I installed my MP3 Player. The fix, however, was very easy as all I had to do was go into Control Panels and Device Manager and update the drivers (via...
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    Ah HAH!! How's this for an idea?

    Regarding getting a poll from everyone on what events should be changed/modified: I would like to see the +25 for the capture of Leningrad taken out and replaced with a +25 for closing in on Moscow. Maybe it can be tied to the event that triggers the Moscow forts/reinforcements. My...
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    Malta-Sicily supply situation

    This is a great idea and seems very easy to do (says the man who has not made any physical changes to the game). I agree that the RN would have done everything in it's power to supply Malta and still can in this game. It will not take all that much for the RN to gang up and sink the...
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    Boring Tech Question - Need Help

    AAAAARGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! Now I can not play Uncommon Valor. So this nonsense has spread. The error message states "No CD-ROM drive found". Dan - I uninstalled TOAW and deleted what few files weren't deleted in the Remove Program process. I did this before posting this message - I...
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    Boring Tech Question - Need Help

    SkyVon - yes it is clean (I used that wheel gizmo) it works fine in my wife's computer. I forgot to say that my OS is Windows 2000. Dan - saw the note (thanks) really not too sure I follow it all but, will plod through. Just to note the CD has been working fine on the computer. It is not...