Search results

  1. C

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Just bought the Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #2.
  2. C

    Looking for 6mm Deluxe ASL Miniature Infantry

    When the mg breaks down you could exchange that stand with one that doesn't have a mg. Joe
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    ASLSK 3 Rules

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    ASLSK 3 Rules

    You know, I hate the spell checker on my Kindle. Yes, it is mmp.
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    ASLSK 3 Rules

    I have lost my copy of the version 3 and wonder if anyone knows how to get them? I e-mailed ump with no response. Thanks, Joe
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    Looking for 6mm Deluxe ASL Miniature Infantry

    go to the the ghq website they have support weapons and infantry, there.
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    Beyond Valor pricing

    This whole thing about the price was why I wondered if anyone has any counters to sell. Over the years I bought the maps, scenarios and counters which is why I just need the counters but I will not buy the whole module because I don't need it. Joe
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    Beyond Valor pricing

    Tell you what. My wife is the greatest.
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    Beyond Valor pricing

    Hi, Yes to someone like me the cost is high. With a very limited budget that is a lot of money. Sure when it first came out I bought it all. But I was single not dating and really enjoyed wargames. Now that I'm married with a 10 year old daughter and my wife making a career change and...
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    Start’em young

    Terrific! My daughter likes to play ASLSK. Of course she rolls so much better than I do. She's played miniatures with me as well so she has an idea about tactics. It's nice to be able to pass on a love of a game to my daughter. Joe
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    Rules Easy to Forget During Play

    Thanks for all of the help so far!! Joe
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    Rules Easy to Forget During Play

    Hi, As a service to those who haven't played as long as some of you, I offer this question. What rule(s) do you find easiest to forget while you play? Joe
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    Starter Kit Boards and their place in ASL

    ASLSK As Part of ASL Hi, Here's my .02. If SK can bring people in great. But, if they have to decide on $80 for BV 3 or 2 more SK @ $48 which would you choose? Especially since the only way to get the counters and boards that you need to play full blown ASL is to go BV. If money is tight...
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    Hi, When are the release dates for the other ones and do you need any help with playtesting?
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    Hi, I have played the ASLSK and used to play ASL a lot. There are some big differences between. But, I have been able to teach my ten year old daughter to play ASLSK. She needs some help with strategy but does fairly well on her own. She's used to playing microarmor with me so that helps...
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    Teaching Newbies about Tanks and SPG's

    Hi, I'm back into ASL after a number of years away and I'd like to teach some friends and my daughter about using vehicles. Is there an easy way to do that w/o making their eyes glass over? I know the ASLSK will be doing a vehicle one some day but I really don't want to wait that long. Any...
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    Solitaire ASL-Paratroop Company

    Hey, It's cool. Was just tired and didn't pick up on it. Joe
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    Solitaire ASL-Paratroop Company

    Thanks for the help guys. Joe
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    Solitaire ASL-Paratroop Company

    HI, Thanks for the reply. Every book that I have states that the US paras have 9 squads not 15. I know that in the coy HQ there was the equivalent of 1 squad. Where do the others fit in? Joe
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    Solitaire ASL-Paratroop Company

    Hi, I'd like to start a paratroop company for SASL and wondered where I could go for that info? I have some info in my paratroop books about T O &E but not sure how to convert to SASL. I have the first edition. Thanks, Joe