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  1. W

    What boardgames have you played recently?

    Still campaigning through Ambush, the rest of my gaming time has been absorbed by Civilization 4 (plus expansions.)
  2. W

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

    This morning: ...dropped off my wife, then: Both of them a good mix of modern and retro, but in very different ways! :yummy:
  3. W

    My Sims for Wii

    I so totally want a high-res version of that image! Don't see why there would be any problems with The Sims in this format, things/people are just SD (and you'd have to cut some of the more explicit stuff, not that there was much to begin with...) Nunchuck scrolling & Wiimote pointing will...
  4. W

    Wii'ifying existing games

    If you expand this to PC titles, I think Die By The Sword (with sword control on) or Arx Fatalis would be natural games for the Wii. - Chad
  5. W

    Line Rider for...Wii

    Same with these... Or at least those of you with a network connection for your Wii will :upset: - Chad
  6. W

    Wii Channels

    It would have been it it had an internet connection to talk to :OHNO: Yeah, it seems strange that it's set up for photos, but not music/DVDs (though I hear DVD support will come later.) Not that I care to play CDs/DVDs on it, our sound system already has a 5-disc tray for those. - Chad
  7. W

    Wii Sports Talk

    Like Golf & Bowling the most, picked up Super Swing Golf yesterday (along with our Wii) but haven't had a chance to play it yet. - Chad
  8. W


    Now that I've gotten a chance to play with one for an extended period of time (and have the wife's approval) I will definately be picking one up when they become readily avaliable. (Getting old: not willing to pay extra/camp/etc.) My brother brought his Wii to Thanksgiviing dinner, the...
  9. W

    Wii buyers stoked! Anyone get one tonight?

    Nope. With all the game systems I've collected, I've got plenty to play with while I wait for a next-gen system. Actually, I hadn't even intended to get a Wii for some time until my brother brought one to Thanksgiving dinner and after playing Wii Sports all night, my wife amended her...
  10. W

    Anti-Virus programs

    If this was one of several disks, you'd have to remove the bits leftover on the system. To uninstall a program from the only HD in the system, you'd of course have to install it first, then uninstall. In this case it might mean digging up your 2001 CD and re-upgrading it to 2004. If the...
  11. W

    Anti-Virus programs

    Been using Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition for some time, backed up by AdAware and Spybot. (And I'd have to add that registration money for AdAware for my dad's PC (Christmas present) was some of the best money I'd ever spent ;) ) Whoever spoke to you is a dork for not providing manual...