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  1. Houtje

    Jungle-Road hex and G.4

    Do you mean G.2 (about Fortifications)? In any case, I'd say it can stay hidden until entered, just like all other Fortifications (as G.2 states); it is not mentioned as an EXC.
  2. Houtje

    Height Advantage TEM vs. Descending Infantry

    Good questions! And I agree that without the example actually mentioning HA, it would be very easy to get wrong. Paragraph could have been written more clearly.
  3. Houtje

    Height Advantage TEM vs. Descending Infantry

    I don't think the example contradicts the rules: the applicability of HA is perfectly compatible with the not-applying of 'the TEM of most other terrain in the target hex', just like 'I like ASL' is perfectly compatible with 'most people do not like ASL'. I.o.w. I agree with Bill that 'most'...
  4. Houtje

    Journal 15

    Can't you get it through European distributors, Robin? Or does Switzerland have (too) high tariffs/import fees to make that a more attractive option?
  5. Houtje

    The Arnhem ASL Tournament is back! September 12-15 2024

    Happy gaming to all in Arnhem! Wish I could've joined, but teaching and kittens (aka small calibre FOBA) have inflicted TI on me...
  6. Houtje

    One-Man Turret and firing CMG & MA

    Maybe you were thinking about D1.82: "A turret Rear MG has a Normal Range of eight hexes, may not be used in OVR or the same phase in which the MA fires, and can fire only through its rear turret Target Facing or at a target in the same hex (see 3.5)." Not about 1MT, of course, but it's a rule...
  7. Houtje

    Pz IV J in scenario WO15 Liberation Day?

    Copied from the AAR section (hoping to draw some more eyes to what are (partly) rules questions): Scenario WO15 (Liberation Day) is set in January 1944, and the Germans have three PzIV J's, but in the GERMAN VEHICLE RARITY FACTOR CHART that AFV is not available until June 1944. So that seems...
  8. Houtje

    WO15 - Liberation Day

    I'll put the questions in the rules section.
  9. Houtje

    WO15 - Liberation Day

    We did! I know, since we played it together! :)
  10. Houtje

    WO15 - Liberation Day

    Another question about this scenario (which I liked a lot): it's set in January 1944, and the Germans have three PzIV J's, but in the GERMAN VEHICLE RARITY FACTOR CHART that AFV is not available until June 1944. So that seems odd. What makes it more odd is that the sN (Nahverteidigungswaffe...
  11. Houtje

    D3.7 Vehicular malfunction of MA

    Put differently: ASL's got 99 problems, but the B# ain't one.
  12. Houtje

    D3.7 Vehicular malfunction of MA

    Again, the 'such' is left out of the relevant quote. D3.7 does not say what you underlined, viz. "ordnance malfunctions on an Original To Hit DR of 12", it says "SUCH ordnance malfunctions on an Original To Hit DR of 12". The 'such' indicates a sub-section of ordnance, viz. that for which "a B#...
  13. Houtje

    D3.7 Vehicular malfunction of MA

    D3.7 does NOT simply state "12"; as I quoted above, it states "Such ordnance malfunctions on an Original To Hit DR of 12": the 'such' refers to vehicles with no Breakdown # printed on the counter (i.o.w. vehicles with an assumed B# of 12), not to all vehicles. According to how you interpret the...
  14. Houtje

    D3.7 Vehicular malfunction of MA

    I don't see the problem... D3.7 says: "Whenever a vehicle fires, that armament is subject to breakdown. A printed B# < 12 applies only to the MA unless Vehicle Notes specify otherwise." The point of this sentence is simply that for some vehicles (as will be noted in the Vehicle Notes) their MG...
  15. Houtje

    The wonderful "and/or" VC conditions.

    Do you mean "clearer and/or less debatable"? 🤪
  16. Houtje

    The wonderful "and/or" VC conditions.

    I'm not sure I agree: I think 'and/or' is supposed to mean that the VC are fulfilled when using either 'and' or 'or'. So, in this case: Option A (with 'and'): "The French win at Game End if there are <3 GO American Squad Equivalents (SE) in buildings J4 and E5." Not fulfilled, since J4 and E5 do...
  17. Houtje

    Fire Group Cowering and Fire Lane

    Thanks, Robin!
  18. Houtje

    Fire Group Cowering and Fire Lane

    "Would you also prohibit a non selected unit from maintaining the ROF of its MG (e.g. if snakes were rolled)?" No, I don't think so. The idea being: the whole attack was a bit of a hasty and uncoordinated affair, and one or more units (the ones selected by RS) are really done for the time being...
  19. Houtje

    Fire Group Cowering and Fire Lane

    The way I read it: when rolling doubles (and no exceptions apply) all units involved cower (the rules elsewhere also say, that the attack cowers; as said, I think that is not helpful). If it's just one unit, it is the one marked FFed of PFed. If there's more than one, RS determines which are...
  20. Houtje

    Fire Group Cowering and Fire Lane

    Sorry, the rule (last sentence) does say this: "If a FG cowers, ..." (so not the attack, the FG)