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    What boardgames have you played recently?

    KREMLIN CIVILIZATION both very good... and scenarios of Empire In Arms - uggghhhh, time consuming game, but love the attack/defend chits.
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    Most played scenarios in 2005 - ROAR report.

    Most played scenarios in 2005 - ROAR report. I'm very glad to see the following report to what scenarios were played the most in 2005. Both my Journal submission ended in top three. It's been fun to read 'all' comments and AAR's about scenarios. Playings from 1/1/2005 to 12/31/2005 Run at...
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    More geoboards=YES Hi Petros! 1. OK I got used to the idea, but I also wish that SK-Boards come as separate buy and thereby be TOTALLY accepted to ASL. 2. Yes, more geoboards (But no more of these all dense boards). 3. Good. 4. Yes, if they also are available as separated buys. 5. No, I...
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    ASL Scenario Hall of Fame

    list I would like to add: ASL A7 Slamming Of The Door Played this "oldie" recently and it's amazingly how well this scenario afterwards reflects the story/aftermath. Very well crafted! So a list could be: Slamming Of The Door Shklov's Labors Lost Merzenhausen Zoo Silesian Interlude...
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    Best J5 scenario?

    wiltz, nearly victory I played it as an very agressive attacker, with riders and changing TCA to force bail out in forward positions. Totally outplayed my defending opponent. On the turn when I had to move troops out i neglected to stop a German SMC, when it was my turn the SMC was positioned...
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    Do not see through counters "stacks"!

    OK fixed, saw it in the preferences! OK fixed, saw it in the preferences!
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    Do not see through counters "stacks"!

    Hi I do not see through stacks in VASL. I'm I not supposed to have information when i keep the pointer over stacks? I have to double-click to be able to see what's beneath. Is there a preference that need to be set! JAVA WEB Start 1.4.2_05 VASL 4.1.6 VASSAL 1.7.6
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    What rules do you have the hardest time grasping?

    What rules do you have the hardest time grasping? Many! One example, Getting concealment in open ground (out of LOS), the dr required is always foggy to me. Sometimes me and my opponent just agree, OK dr1-4 and you're concealed. I know, not by the book but it happens.
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    Whats your favorite scenario type, Part II

    Ha ha, yes too much. ;-)
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    Whats your favorite scenario type, Part II

    Well, that all depends on the scenario design. There must be several scenarios out there which make you struggle even as the SS player! Tin Cans or Heavy Metal doesnt matter squat if the scenario VC require upper level building location control (that was a strange VC ehhh :-). Is it really...
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    ROAR - scenario balance - etc.

    One thing that is good with ROAR is that it seems to be a common place for ASL people to record the W/L stat! It could have been as the AAR's that are spread around web-places with different approaches. So being an unifying place for keeping stat of scenarios I find ROAR very helpful. Keep...
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    Who Publishes the Most Balanced Scenarios?

    This is what often happens! 2 players sit down, finds an interesting scenario, seems a bit unbalanced the more experienced player takes the bad balanced side. Afterwards the scenario outcome is added to ROAR, this history (if it is a win for the more experienced player) tend to make scenarios...
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    Your ASL opponent-related Pet Peeves

    Another example, a ASL-friend of mine tended to give up early and instead seeking another instant re-play of scenario's. This happened a couple of times and were somewhat irritating, after a thoughtful set up of mine he could try a daring assault, which if succeded would positioning me very...
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    ASL 102: Point of the Sword

    On the attack, it can be a good thing to place that sniper in the "line of attack" to help breaking forward troops. Often in ASL it is good to have a "schwerpunkt" that you commit as an attack, getting the sniper in this lead is a good thing to add to momentum. If the defender has put up some...
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    ASL Counters

    Keep the old one's! I woted NO. I really like the style, simple and functional. There was a time when I was a bit fanzied about Black SS counters, but I have even grown away from that part. Chess, (this thread remainds me about the time when i looked at different Chess-boards with pieces...
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    Stupid Moves - 2004 Contest!?

    Hello! I often make some dubious moves when playing ASL, sometimes these tend to be of the more "comic" aspect of the ASL register. Here's what happend recently on a playing against Ole Bøe in the small scenario "North Bank". Whenever I play against Ole (who works with MMP to develop...
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    Updating ROAR with FkaC scenarios

    Hello! Could someone who has the FkaC update ROAR with the new scenarios from this module. I recently played "North Bank" the updated version but in ROAR there is only the old Annual scenario as an option for W/L.
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    Boards in Journals?

    Only if he decide to play in the SHL, Swedish Hockey League :-) In fact this year due to "NHL lockout" SHL is unbelievable well fed with NHL stars! About the Boards in Journal, I think it's a great idea (now when I accepted the new style :-).
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    Boards in Journals?

    Hockey Puckee Yes the "Hockey Puckee" board will be especially good. Distributed freely on all Rangers vs Red Wings games and contains not only a new "columbian board" but also four new HS-counters for each team. The board itself will be really great depicting 3 lines in red and blue and white...
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    AoO Layout

    I am sorry to hear that, I myself have a wishlist were you, Steve Swann and the others at HOB could work together with MMP to produce official stuff. I think that had been to the benefit of all ASL.