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  1. oberst_klink

    The Algerian War 1954-1962

    D'accord! I never took French/Spanish at GCSE level (for you Yanks, junior HS); which nowadays I regret. However, in most cases I get the gist and with nowadays online translation tools it ain't a biggie. Still... to find even French material is quite an undertaking. Algeria is still a conflict...
  2. oberst_klink

    The Algerian War 1954-1962

    I take it you mean this add-on module for ASL, aye? Klink, Oberst
  3. oberst_klink

    The Algerian War 1954-1962

    I put upon myself the titanic task to create, with the kinds assistance of the CSME community, a series or set of scenarios covering this more... shall we say - obscure - conflict. Getting information from reliable sources alone is quite a challenge. Although I have already collected quite some...
  4. oberst_klink

    Campaign Series Vietnam 1948-1985

    The most recent ones are on the CSLegion Facebook page. Klink, Oberst
  5. oberst_klink

    Latest series of CS Middle East V 2.01 playthroughs on YT by a dedicated gamer

    Worth watching, really. This lad did a jolly good job. Klink, Oberst