Search results

  1. LtDan

    ASL Union of Gamers scenarios

    Is there somewhere to get the ASLUG scenarios online? I remember some of them were once posted somewhere as enormous JPGs.... I'd like to get a few of the classic ones like One Log Bridge and Witch's Cauldron.
  2. LtDan

    What Campaign Games would you like to see?

    I'd like to see something early war (British vs. Germans) or something in China, one of the big city fights...
  3. LtDan

    Recommend Beginner / Intermediate Scenarios with French?

    Looking for recommendations on short, tourney sized scenarios that would be good for a beginning or intermediate player with French troops involved. Le Herrison is a given, but most of the others from CDG seem long or have special rules that might be off-putting to a beginner. Plus, Le...
  4. LtDan

    Out of the Attic

    Just received Out of the Attic. Even though I already have both issues of Backblast and Baraque de Fraiture, I still ordered Out of the Attic and I'm glad I did. It's nice to have some of the fanzine produced stuff in a nicer format, and the other scenarios from In Contact look good. It was...
  5. LtDan

    New to ASL - Got ASLRB, what's next?

    Definitely DO NOT pay outrageous prices for ASL stuff on eBay. You can find stuff cheaper with patience and by making connections. Do you have any game stores that sell used games in your area? Stake those out and watch for ASL stuff, people do sell their kits ocassionally and you can get...
  6. LtDan

    Your favorite HASL/CG

    I've enjoyed all the CG's that I've played, even though I have yet to play one to completion. I find two factors conspire against finishing. First, the time investment to finish is usually more than one or both sides cares to make after a certain point. Another factor is the "personal morale...
  7. LtDan

    Ultimate Treachery Quick AAR

    Played this one last night and just wanted to post a few quick notes on it. First of all, I don't think this is unbalanced as ROAR suggests (13-3 in favor of the French). At first it seems impossible-- the Japanese have to secure 45 building locations without using mopping up? I do think it's a...
  8. LtDan

    KGP: Beast at Bay-- Can Americans Win?

    So Jeff, are you saying your opponant beat you in Beast at Bay as the Americans? :-) DANO
  9. LtDan

    Blood Reef:Tarawa CG Strategy

    There's a new Osprey book out about Japanese pacific island fortresses. I read one good review of it from a modeller perpsective, has anyone checked it out from a wargamer's perpspective? It's supposed to have information about the defenses on Tarawa...
  10. LtDan

    KGP: Beast at Bay-- Can Americans Win?

    Jeff (Tank Dawg) discussion of OVHS and how hopeless it is for the Canadians if their OBA goes wrong reminded me somewhat of the situation in Beast at Bay from KGP. This is the big scenario where the Americans attack Le Gleize from both sides. Due to set up restrictions, a good portion of the...
  11. LtDan

    On Learning ASL

    FWIW...... I learned how to play ASL over the course of several years. I'd read the rule book, play some games, put it down for a while, read through the rules again, play again, etc. I wouldn't say I know the rules completely but I feel like I have a decent grasp and favor playing fast and...
  12. LtDan

    How accurate is ASL?

    I played in one of the old "tank rumbles" double blind and it was great fun. Not even knowing how close you were to your objectives, or who was out there, really made you move more like a real tank commander when faced with unknown enemies (ie carefully).
  13. LtDan

    How accurate is ASL?

    In connection with this question, I've often thought about what ASL is supposed to simulate. It seems to me that this game puts you in the role of the "squad leader" (or vehicle commander) of every squad (vehicle) on the board simultaneously. You can try to make those guys do whatever you want...
  14. LtDan

    ASL Annual '95 on ebay... check out the price

    The poor misguided soul who is bidding on this may be thinking he's getting all the stuff in the picture....
  15. LtDan

    Fun vs. Balance vs. Historical Accuracy

    Something I've been thinking about lately is the relation between fun, historical accuracy and play balance in a scenario. It seems the great scenarios maybe need a mix of all three factors, however, what do you guys think is the most important? After all, balance is an artificial game...
  16. LtDan

    Wild West Fest?

    Does anyone know when and where Wild West Fest will be held this year or is it too early to say?
  17. LtDan

    Preferred Tournament Format

    Here's a discussion topic: What is your favorite gaming tournament format? What kind of scenarios do you like to play at a tournament? Do you prefer known scenarios or unknown / new? Do you like to pick your own or have a limited choice? If you know which scenarios are going to be played at...
  18. LtDan

    J4 cover prints and free ASL downloads

    Me too posts are annoying but I have to say that Journal 4's cover was fantastic! Great job Ken and I hope to see more of your work on ASL and other gaming stuff!
  19. LtDan

    Journal 4

    I'm planning to play Lawless Roads and Unlucky Thirteenth this weekend. Will post AARs on the board with impressions. They both look interesting and I am a big fan of anything with the British in it.
  20. LtDan

    Holy Crap!! Many have been playing IR's wrong! (Perry sez)

    Jeff you totally cheated in Pegasus Bridge!!! :-) OK, so did I though as the Germans it didn't help me as much. Learn something new every day I guess. :D