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  1. mharviala

    Atlanta ASL Tourney - Spreading Blaze 2024 - Aug 1st thru Aug 4th 2024

    Booked my room, I'll be there on Thursday+
  2. mharviala

    Bitter Ender 2023 April 13th-16th

    I'm in, baby!
  3. mharviala

    Which nationality has the most authentic " flavor "

    An interesting facet of the theater is that in 1941 in the south, you saw Finns carry forth an attack with elan - an essentially foot-borne army understanding the terrain and making advances until objectives were met, and in the north where the Germans were operating in the lead, the war was a...
  4. mharviala

    ASL Bell Tolls

    Had the pleasure of meeting John for the first time at AvalonCon '98. We'd barely met, yet he took the time to tour me and two others around Aberdeen Proving Ground. An ever nice gentleman who would go out of his way to do anything someone else needed. He'll truly be missed.
  5. mharviala

    Finn Project

    I'm in. Let me know whatcha need.
  6. mharviala

    BG Counters 40:

    While the M6 could fire the MA in the VCA, for game's sake I'd recommend prohibiting it. In practice, it was discouraged, and to set rules that it can Prep toward the VCA, but not Bounding fire seems silly. Here's how I see it working in a game: It needs to park with its rear to the enemy to...
  7. mharviala

    ASL producers I will never play or buy from again.

    Budgets use the lottery income toward schools, which allows them to divert the previous school budget elsewhere. In short, schools got nothing more for the lottery being introduced.
  8. mharviala

    ASL producers I will never play or buy from again.

    Don't forget the automatic SSR that hipsters come on board concealed on T5. Mika
  9. mharviala

    Broken Passenger in ht

    Found it - last sentence in D6.1 ... emergency cancelled...
  10. mharviala

    Broken Passenger in ht

    Quick Q - is a broken Passenger on a ht (automatically BU) considered to be ADJACENT to an enemy Squad that is in the adjacent hex and hence eliminated for failure to rout? The passengers broke during DFPh, so the ht couldn't move away, but there is no LOS from the BU broken squad and the enemy...
  11. mharviala

    Longest Surviving Beserkers

    Indeed - he kept firing on the berserkers rather than driving away >shrug< Indeed - fairly typical dicebot action at work. Like I said, they picked up a couple of rocks on their way.
  12. mharviala

    Longest Surviving Beserkers

    Chinese Dare Death squad, went 'zerk turn 3, charged a tank, ineffectually beat at it with rocks for three turns until a friendly tank dispatched the enemy ... looked around, spotted another unit and chased after it until game end. So, five turns, and his biggest accomplishment was locking the...
  13. mharviala

    Death To Fascism Player Aids now available for download on this site

    ...and that's why I don't share a room.
  14. mharviala

    Poland in Flames Errata

    In BFP131 Zboiska Heights the Poles set up on map rather far from the initial action, and the OB gives them 75mm ART and a wz 34 CZP presumably to tow it to the action. The ART however is h-d meaning it can't be towed by the halftrack. Is this intentionally correct?
  15. mharviala

    Bitter Ender 2018 AAR

    They were dressed in American uniforms, driving American tanks, and nary a Carneval costume in sight. It's an easy error in phrasing.
  16. mharviala

    My Bitter Ender Experience

    I played Lindsey in first round of the Italy mini and won the whole thing ... I think you may be on to something here!
  17. mharviala

    Bitter Ender 2018 AAR

    Brief recollections of my Bitter Ender 2018 results Showed up Thursday afternoon to drop off my stuff, and to see if anyone was available for a short scenario. I didn’t want to exhaust myself with a marathon, and Chuck Payne snagged me for a short brutal scenario of J166 Maximum Aggression...
  18. mharviala

    Finnish tank museum - Parola

    Suomenlinna is the island, and is indeed worth a visit. If you're going there, check out the Finnish coastal submarine on display, in essence a German Type II submarine. Parola ( is a bit inland, I don't know where you're going to be visiting, but I'd assume...