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  1. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    I'm about to start playing Kineas.
  2. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    I was going to play against KG_Crimson in the 4th round, but his computer died and them no one sent him the game file. I'll PM him again to see if he is still up for game, other wise I will play Kineas.
  3. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    Am I axis or allies player for the 4th round?
  4. N

    The Eye of the Tiger....Let's Discuss Surprise!!

    My biggest mistake I made in this game (as Germans) was to forget all about infantry. A couple of turns there I was concentrating so much on manoeuring my tanks that I forgot about infantry and they cut up pretty bad. Hardly penestrated the village at all. May have done better than a minor...
  5. N

    Discussion Rd 1 STE Tournament

    That was my biggest mistake I made during our game Rick. Trying to send a single platoon on a flake attack, trying to break down your attack. What was I thinking! :hmmm: There were totally wipe out.
  6. N

    RD 3 "Seeing the Elephant" Newbies Tourney

    Quick question. I thought rounds 3 and 4 were going to be CMAK. I doesn't worry me either way, just happy to be playing. :cool:
  7. N

    RD 3 "Seeing the Elephant" Newbies Tourney

    I'm still in, and keen as that yellow stuff. :D
  8. N

    Seeing the Elephant- 2nd scenario!!

    Don't worry Kerry, I got Stndrtnfhr email. And it looks like we are a go. :joy: Round 2 here I come.
  9. N

    Seeing the Elephant- 2nd scenario!!

    Is anybody looking for opponent for the second round. My opponent has drop out after one turn. :cry: I'm playing as the Allies. PM me if your are interested.
  10. N

    StE Round 2 ALLIED Help Thread

    How close are we talking MR?
  11. N

    StE RD1 AXIS Help Thread.

    Finally work it out, he was hiding! :argh: This different from CMBO where you can hit T and the spotter automatically unhides. :nuts: Thanks for the help anyway.
  12. N

    StE RD1 AXIS Help Thread.

    I hope that makes for better understanding. Dyslexia strikes again! :) No I haven't got LOS yet. What do you mean you cant move your fire?
  13. N

    StE RD1 AXIS Help Thread.

    I got a technical question. What with the artillery spotter, I've got the target command on my guy? :upset: Or is the artillery not avaiable until after a number of turns? :confused:
  14. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    I take it that we will be email the scenario file and what side we are playing etc.
  15. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    This tourney looking good now with 24 odd players. For a little time there I thought that it wouldn't get off the ground with only 3 or 4 players sign up in the first few weeks. Of course I sign up first. Do I get a extra points or something. :p
  16. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    Thank for the enlightenment. :thumup:
  17. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    I though it may have a bit of history behind it. :D
  18. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    Thanks Palantir, by the well. What is the "the elephant"? :confused:
  19. N

    "Seeing the Elephant" Tourney

    Count me in! I would interested. I've only played one PBEM game. I play bit against AI a bit, but as we all know real people is a lot tougher than AI.
  20. N

    Tourney Updates
