Recent content by Desicat

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    VASL6.6.5-beta1 released

    Possible to add Game Piece Prototype Definitions to the base module for; axCT2tur, geCT2tur, jaCT2tur, ruCT2tur, xxCT2tur, etc...?
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    Finn Project

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    VASL6.6.5-beta1 released

    Possible to get a Romanian "Axis Control" Label added into the mix?
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    Electronic ASL Rulebook Now on Sale!!

    Since SASL is next to impossible to purchase adding it to the Electronic Rule Book would be wonderful. I bet it would get some folks to purchase for sure.
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    Deluxe boards m, n and o from Winter Offensive Pack 13

    Any chance of adding these to the Thumbnail of geoboards graphic in the Designers Forum? That is a very hand tool.
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    VASL custom tables update #2 - reinforcement markers!

    I tried this with Romanians (Turn 1,2,3) and Russians (Turn 1,2) and it did not work, only got Romanian marker for Turn 3.
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    VASL custom tables update #2 - reinforcement markers!

    Wow, quick work. Thank you.
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    VASL custom tables update #2 - reinforcement markers!

    Neal, Any chance of adding an Aerosan Movement Table with applicable notes to your Terrain Module?
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    Victory Conditions

    I will usually design in a "Draw" condition as the requirement of a secondary mission for one side or the other. An example would be that both sides have to control Hex X to win the game, but side B must also exit their 10-3 Leader off the board or else they can at most achieve a "Draw". I...
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    Victory Conditions

    I suppose I should answer my own question. I prefer VC1 followed by VC4 (in my mind both are tangible and allow for more pregame planning). I rarely play VC2 (it is a combat game, not an avoid combat game. I suppose the turn limit makes a difference here for me) and I don't think I have ever...
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    Victory Conditions

    What type of Victory Conditions do you prefer most? Secure/Capture Location(s) Exit Map Combat Victory Points Destroy Target/Location/Unit Other (explain) Do you like Victory Conditions that allow (or force) for a Draw? Do you like a combination of Victory Conditions, or different...